(302) 828-8880

Website Design & Development

Wingman Planning builds customized websites in Responsive Design. Responsive Web Design makes viewing your site from any smartphone, tablet, or computer seamless.

The use of mobile devices continues to rise. More people are turning to smartphones and tablets to view websites. How does a business keep up with the growing number of applications, and choose which platforms to build websites and applications for? The possibilities are endless. The bottom line is that you want your customers and potential customers to be able to view your website from whatever device they are using while maintaining the integrity and look and feel of your normal website’s content.

That is where Responsive Web Design comes in. With a website that is built using Responsive Design, your customers can easily browse, click, access pages, content, and photos, all while maintaining the original look and feel of your website. Responsive Web Design uses flexible images and grids and sizes them correctly based on the device that is used to access them.

Take a look at Web Designs in action below. Visitors to your website can easily view all content and photos whether they are using a computer, a smartphone, or tablet.